Saturday, November 9, 2019


I reached out to Dave Markovitz with this email and we proceeded to communicate for a couple of hours. Here is the exchange in its entirety. Dave in ital.:


    I started writing a new blog It deals with issues locally. You really caught my attention with your extreme landscaping. I wrote about it and will publish tomorrow. I wanted to give you a chance to respond so I’m sending you the post. On another unrelated front I know my big collage has been in your barn for years. Let me know if that is an inconvenience and I’ll make arrangements to get it out. Hope you take this in the spirit in which it is meant. I was pretty shocked by the river bank. All the best, MO           

Hey Mike,

Been a long time, I hope all is well.

I haven't and wouldn't have a problem with whatever topic you choose to write about. Regardless if I am part of the subject matter or not. I have always appreciated and continue to support your candor, provocative essays, assorted musings and rebellious rantings.

"...he changed personalities."  I don't believe that is the case, but I am no expert on "personality changes" so I can only say that I strongly disagree with that statement. Nor did I disappear. Sure, I went through a challenging period of a personal more wife... for a couple of years, and maybe there was a little re-focusing with regards priorities but not much else has changed. I am still generous to a fault, I can't speak to how much "fun" I am, but I suspect I maintain enough of a fun factor...I can ask around though :)...

On the "friends" note, sure we are friends, there wasn't anything that has ever transpired directly or indirectly to challenge our status as such. Although, if a friend of mine suddenly disappeared, I would most certainly have reached out and inquired as to my friends whereabouts and well being. Maybe there was something going on in my friends life that I was not aware of and maybe just by reaching out, it would be a meaningful expression of a freind.  "I never knew why"....because you never asked...never stopped by, never flagged me down, never called...zilch, zero, zip, so I am not sure what definition of "friends" you are referring to. 

On to the "Trees"...

"What possible justification could Diamond Dave have for his arboreal crime?"

Very simply, we had identified 130 standing dead trees, mostly cherry, that were slowly dropping limbs etc and were a general eyesore (opinion), as well a potential developing hazard. 

You can use google maps, or look at the attached satellite image which clearly shows a large amount of dead standing trees in the fields. We chose to address this issue, and have. The trees along the riverbank were never supposed to be taken down, I cherished those large Maples and Oaks as well, and was looking forward to seeing them in all their glory for many years to come. It was a complete surprise to me on Saturday morning to see that they had already been taken down and that I was not consulted about it. The foreman on the job, explained that the trees were already dead or dying and he said they had to come down soon anyway. We had lost 2 of them over the last year or so already. At that point, anything I could have said or done was after the fact. My choice, had I had one, would have been to leave them anyway, let nature take its course, and we could enjoy them for as long as possible. As for the possibility of erosion on the lower flat, yes, it floods a few times a year, and erosion is always a concern. I have taken the initial steps of erosion control, and will continue to responsibly monitor it. I take the role of steward of my little postage stamp seriously.

"microcosms"...."rich men doing as they please..." I'll just call bullshit on those comments. In all the time we have spent together, regardless of what was in my wallet, have you ever witnessed even a hint of anything other than concientiousness in that regard ?

None of this project was taken on rashly or irresponsibly. The dead trees had to come down, the pond needed to have the berm repaired, and the land needed some grading. All of this was planned by professionals, legal permits obtained, and an official consultation with the DEC was had. 

Maybe you got this one all wrong, maybe it was just an affront on one of your senses, and your gut reaction was what it was, right or wrong.

I still applaud your voice, your right to shriek or whisper, and your ‘merican right to be...wrong

Friends ? I think so...although in the future, try to act like a real one.

Looking forward to your next rant,



So good to hear from you. I DID reach out, multiple times with invites and some direct references to your “disappearance.” If you did respond it was always…"yeah, all good.” and that was that. I always tried to send you invites to church or whatever I was doing and never saw you. You are right, I didn’t drop by. I guess I assumed your absence was purposeful. John and Asher said they similarly didn’t see you anymore. It all seemed the way you wanted it, but confusing to me. But hell we’re grown men, so I thought that was your choice. I didn’t hold it against you and still considered you a friend. I’m sorry I didn’t make more of an effort to get in touch. I’m glad to hear you are Ok and thriving and maybe we can pick up where we left off. You are right. I had a visceral reaction to seeing those river bank trees come down. Sad to hear it was a surprise to you also. I’m going to carefully re-read what you sent and consider edits or possibly not post……as brilliant as the writing is. You got both barrels. I’m glad I sent it to you first and you have taken the time to address it. I apologize for painting you with the “rich man” brush. You are my favorite rich man and not the norm. You around tonight? Thirsty Thursday cocktails at my house. Otherwise lets have a drink very soon, Love, MO 

No worries Mike...and I stand corrected as to your reaching out, I definitely received a few church invites and more.

I didn't and don’t feel like there are double barrels pointing at me. You saw, you reacted, you wrote...pretty brilliantly I would agree...the microcosm/rich man call out sort of bundled the entirely of the piece as that of yet another another leftist crybaby without a real agenda or a plan for tomorrow was stronger without it...and that has nothing to do with me being the subject...your a trend bucking independent, so own it.

Proceed as you choose, pay no mind to me.

Would love to catch up...I’ll make a point of it next time I am local. 

Stay feisty


       My response to the “leftist crybaby without a real agenda or a plan for tomorrow morning….”  comment is this. My plan for “yesterday” would have been simple oversight of my loggers and making sure every tree was marked for cutting—clear and concise communication—no excuses after the fact. You are right Dave, there is no plan for tomorrow morning. Once the trees come down there’s nothing that can be done. That was my point. Your own “before” photo clearly shows plenty of foliage all along the river. The damage is irreparable. I sure wouldn’t pay the loggers who so thoughtlessly ravaged your river bank and “surprised” you with the results they seemed so proud of. How’s it look? As Andy Brennan put it, “Nothing uglier than a golf course.” 
     Did the tree removal offer a unique opportunity to reestablish a friendly communication with Diamond Dave? Yes. Will the shepherd return to the flock? Maybe. Was it worth it? Not for the trees, the river or future generations crossing the ford. Time will tell with me and DD.

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