Saturday, September 14, 2019


     The evil genius of Trump is his ability to throw so much crap at a news cycle that we all are forced to choose our outrage. Russian election meddling? Rapey stuff? Inviting the Taliban for a sit down at Camp David the week of 9/11? Child separations? Dancing with Jeffery Epstein? See what I mean? It never ends. You are only as titillating as you last tweet. I’m trying to stay a few blogs ahead. By the time I post you can be assured that there will be another outrage to point out. This is how Trump uses the “porn paradigm” to control the narrative. He constantly ups the ante with increased FREE access and more salacious material. This is a man who does not drink or do drugs. His vices are predatory sex and an insatiable desire to always be the center of attention. He’s addicted to TV and never tires of hearing his own voice echoed back to him through his state media FOX “news” ventriloquist dummies. Tired of titties? How about Japanese girls shitting in each other’s mouths? It’s not for everyone. That’s what they said about Trump.
     Trump is not a soft focus spread of Playboy’s Ivy League Co-eds of 2019. He is scorched earth, legs behind the ears, full anal, gynecological bukake on steroids. NASTY! When that asshole took his Sharpie and drew FAKE weather it was a bridge too far. I can’t un-see it. The outrage is across the board, but it has a short shelf life and goes nowhere. To use another metaphor—it is masturbatory. We all get off on the lunacy, delivered to us via Twitter and CNN, like clockwork. Predictably we feel dirty in the afterglow, left with nothing but stains and disappointment. But, then we have a smoke, maybe a sandwich and we’re ready for more…..possibly something a little more outrageous?

    The outrage that Trump inspires on a daily basis is mind numbing. The real danger of having a government you can’t believe in is lost in the “doubling” and “tripling” down on falsehoods that are easily dispelled with hardly any investigation. After a while we are bored with all the lame excuses and insipid administration gamesmanship, and move on. Then we’re slapped in the face with a big, dirty, wet one. We accept, if not the lies, the fact that more filth is coming. Triage is the only way to get through. Our elbows are exhausted from being in a constant state of akimbo. “Nothing is surprising.” is the mantra you hear from mainstream media repeatedly. This is not true. Trump knows this. He has to surprise you to prevail. He knows, like the best of the smut-peddlers, that you have to up your game repeatedly if you want people to continue to tune in. He “surprises” us in order to increase and maintain outrage, keeping everyone in a perpetual state of engagement, if not engourgement.
    Trump is also a master of divide and conquer. He knows that division and polarization are integral for his plan of world (or at least U.S.) domination. And simplistically speaking it is a war between the salad eating, blue urban elitism of the coasts and the atrial fibrillating, disease ridden, clogged heart of rural middle America. More processed cheese please! I implore my backward country brethren. This man and his regulation slashing, pathological administration is stealing your grandchildren’s future (bleak as it may be) for a few golden ducats and more air time on FOX. Wake up! Look out your window. Trust your own eyes. Is it raining or is the sun shining. No. Don’t look at Twitter.       
   With henchmen like Mick Mulvaney, Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin and Mike Pompeo doing his bidding, Trump has proven that he can even fake the weather. This is an amazing  superpower. Mr. Magoo’s doppelgänger, Wilbur Ross, told the government meteorologists to get in line with Trump’s Sharpie scribble or lose their jobs, Alabama and the truth be damned. Politics now supersedes even the blowing of the wind. Turns out you do need a weatherman to tell which way (and how hard) the wind blows. Seems all the government has to do is gerrymander a Sharpie line around an illusionary hurricane to meet the whims of a bumbling, lying, ill-informed, dangerously insecure man. I’m sorry to say it won’t end until Trump cranks up the lies and the sleaze, along with the horror and bodies start piling up. By then it will be too late.
When the state rapes science we are all violated. I admit it, I have an outrage porn addiction. I just wish we ruralists had faster internet to keep apprized of this existential threat and once in a while have a happy ending.

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